Memsaw Welding Head And Power Source
Modular, Automatic, Fully Thyristorised, Full Wave Output Submerged Arc Welding System - Three-wheel tractor
3-Wheel Tractor mounted to travel directly on plates with or without rails with steering facility.
Spotlight to check welding alignment
Self-driven mechanised Fully Thyristorised, Tractor-driven, including automatic current stabiliser for both motors
Swivel-based Control Panel detachable with Remote Control Operation facility
Flux Hopper, Wire Spool Holder with Feeder, Wire-straightened
Ideally suited for heavy long seam welding, fabrication of long Beams, Columns Girders, Bottom Plates of Storage Tanks and Ship Decks.
Electrolytic grade copper wound with 100% duty cycle, housed in steel structural frame. Outer casing is duly phosphate and powder-coated to withstand any offshore or tropical conditions.